Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another experience from one of my readers

Comments : I'm a 33 year old female and have experienced sleep paralysis prior to 10 years of age. I no longer take naps due to the happenings. This weekend I woke up at 5am and went back to sleep an hour later and had it surprisingly happened again. This time it was different. My mind woke while body was still asleep (sleeping on my side no less)and a white creature came out of the wall who I recall in my head referring to it as a demon/devil and I said to "it" you can get me, then I finally woke up. Just strange because typically I will feel things fly around the room or lay on my chest but the creature has never been so lips and black horns coming out of the wall and a white face...just very distinct and made an impression. I wish I understood or can explain why this happens or what is happening. Do we really hallucinate? Has anyone ever saw the same thing? I can see my entire room like always while I lay their sleeping but the creature was so distinct. Any thoughts or insight?

Have you had a similar experience please comment to let this reader know.

Thank you again poster for sharing your experience.


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