Thursday, December 10, 2009

Possible Astral Travel Experience

I think I have written about this before, but just in case I wanted to go back over it.

Right before I started having SP/OLD Hag experiences. I had a very weird dream, or was it? You see since I have started researching astral travel and such I have learned a few things. Dreams are supposed to be jumbled up. what I mean by that is you will remember a little of this and a little of that. I am sure you know what I mean, your in one place and the next thing you know you are somewhere else and so forth. Well, my so called dream, I am now being told it probably was astral travel. The reason I was told that is because I can recall everything that I saw, felt and even heard.

It started off, where I thought someone kept puching me off the bed. I mean like five times, pushing me off the bed, and me struggleing to get back on the bed. It was very real to me. Once I stabled myself on the bed, I took off in flight. I flew all over the place. I could feel the wind on my face and feel it blowing my hair. I was so excited that I could fly that I did not want to stop. I finally flew a little lower and saw a very dark city and there were people that were sitting around metal drums that they had wood in and had created a fire. After flying low for a little while, I finally made my way back home and suddenly jumped out of bed. I asked my partner at the time if I had fallen out of the bed, and he said not that I was aware of. Anyway a few days later I spoke to someone about it, and they were like oh that is not good we need to discuss this further. Make a long story short I never saw her again. Two days ago I saw someone else that knows more about this sort of thing and she said it was definitely astral travel because I could recall everything, feel everything and so forth. She said if it was a dream, I would not be able to recount everything so thoroughly.

I have never had another experience like it and I am not saying that for 100% that is what it was, but if it was, it was amazing.

I have a reader that I email back and forth with frequently. A very lovely women who shares a great deal with me and she has had some of the most remarkable experiences. I believe she is experiencing OBE (out of body experiences).

According to research after a few moments of sleep paralysis you will then have OBE, but of course you can have these experiences without SP as well.
From my research you can even provoke OBE if so desired, the same with SP. I will write about that next.

Thanks for listening and thank you to my friend who writes and shares her experiences with me. If she ever so desires to have me share them with you, I will anonymously of course.

Until next time sweet dreams.

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