Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spirit Sex And Sleep Paralysis hmmm could this be?

I know it has been a few weeks since I have written. I of course like the rest of you have been spending time with my family during the holidays. I very much enjoy seeing my family since I do not see them much due to the hard economic times everyone is suffering from and the distance that we all live.

I know I have promised to write about the medical and scientific sides of things, but was reviewing a website about one man's theory on giants and Angels and such and statements from the bible.

What caught my eye is when he mentioned spirit sex. Basically his religious views are that in the bible it states there were Angels that came to earth and had intercourse with the human woman and the children were evil and giants. Well after the great flood since they were immortal they survived in spirit, but not in body, so they have been having sexual relations with women in spirit form at night. Of course we all know that sometimes in sleep paralysis there is a sexual type nature to them. Some women actually have said that they have had sex or have been touched in a sexual manner.

To quote him "Folks, in the world today there are literally thousands of women in various nations, many right here in America, who claim to have been raped by or had sexual intercourse with unseen spirits" AND "Folks, there are just too many reports of women being sexually assaulted by unseen spirits for some of it not to be true. I believe that such activity simply verifies what God’s Word plainly teaches."

The teachings are that demons are in fact wondering around in spirit.

The article is located here

You will find the quotation about 3/4 down with the paragraphing beginning with
New Age literature repeatedly claims that the leaders of the world New Age movement are not true humans their leaders were born to women impregnated by “spirit guides. You will also find some notes above it.

I guess instead of old hag or sleep paralysis it was spirit guides then. Again just reporting on what I read to give you guys something to think about it.

I really don't have a comment on the statement of children being born from such an encounter, and a new race being born as that is a little to star trek for me, but some of you might find it interesting.

Until Later and Always Sweet Dreams

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