Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is from the about me page from my old hag syndrome web site

 I am not sure if most of you have read my web page, but this is from the about me page, that describes how I first became a victim of the old hag


My name is Sherry.  I am not sure where to begin, so I just will start where I think you will be able to make some sense of what I am trying to say, and where I am coming from.

I married young, had children young, and learned young, that life was not going to be easy.  I found out very soon that I had to depend on myself to take care of myself and my children.  There was not going to be a knight in shining armor in my life.  I was ok with that.

I started going to college for my accounting degree and soon after started a medical billing service.  I started this service before it became a fad, you know like "start your own medical billing service now" type of thing.  Medical billing is just what I happened to be doing while going to school.  I found out that babysitters and daycare was pretty much ridiculous as I was missing a lot of time due to their inabilities to care for my children.

The kids were getting a little older and I decided that I was a big time computer geek, and went back to school and worked towards three degrees, programming, networking and MIS.  I landed a fantastic job that allowed me to fly all over the country and do my thing.  I then decided that college was not enough and sat through about 6 or 7 certifications for Microsoft and Comptia and a few others.

Life was great, money was great, everyone was happy, until one day.......... (I have always wanted to say that, so had to throw the mysterious until one day in there, so please humor me).  My fiancee daughter, who happened to be only a couple years younger than I was got into a lot of trouble.  I mean a lot.  She was on the most wanted list in our little county and everything.  Well, our little life, with my children in middle school was totally thrown for a loop when her three children moved in.  

My fiancee had about lost his mind with sorrow and with the full house of younger children running around.  Life was now in turmoil.  I was alot younger then he, so I was about 29 or so, and he was almost 50, so for me it was easier to deal with the kids, but he had a hard time dealing with the kids while his daughter was looking at 15 years.  He loved his grand children, but his grief over his daughter was causing his nerves to be on edge, and us to argue about everything.  On top of all that she was pregnant in jail.  

Well to make a long story short, we ended up splitting up.  I adopted the baby she was pregnant with in jail and he left with the other children.  My children of course stayed with me, my newly adopted baby and myself were what was left in a 3000 square foot house that I hat purchased before I met him.  

Right before he left, while things were in turmoil, I had the craziest dream.  I dreamt that someone kept pushing me off the bed, over and over.  I would climb back on, which seemed very difficult for some reason, just to be pushed back off the bed again.  This happened for quite sometime.  Then suddenly I was flying.  It was so real, I was flying over a dark city that was like one of those end of the world movies where everything was trashed, buildings on fire, debris everywhere.  I could feel the wind on my face and on my hair which is very long, it is all the way down my back and it ws blowing as I was flying.  I kept thinking wow I am flying.  There were drums that were lit with fire here and there.  I saw a couple people wearing all black leather, it was surreal to say the least.  I felt like a creature of the night as it was so dark, and here I am flying around all over the place.  Suddenly I woke up, and woke up my fiance to ask him if I had fallen off the bed, as I knew he was a lite sleeper and if I had fallen off he would have known.  He denied that I had, but I was bothered, as it was so real.  Later that week, I saw a friend of mine and she happens to be into the supernatural, and retold the story of my dream.  She looked at me real funny and said, and I will never forget "oh...Sherry that is not good", well we were interrupted, she moved and I never did get to find out what she meant.

What I do know is he left shortly after and that is when I started suffering from sleep paralysis.  I am not talking about normal sleep paralysis, but terrible nightly visitor sleep paralysis that plaque me for almost a year.  The stories I will tell you will scare you, as believe me, I thought I had lost my mind, and after telling my closest friends and family, so did they.

First I want to establish that I still suffer from sleep paralysis, but not everynight as before, now only a couple times a year.  As a victim of sleep paralysis, I am sure you are aware of the whisperin that you cannot make out what they are saying.  At the end of my year long battle with SP I heard a husky mans voice whisper directly into my ear that he will never leave me alone.  He has kept his promise. We are jumping ahead, so let me begin with some of my earlier experiences.

I was lying in my bed as i had done in the same house for the last 10 years.  I was almost asleep when I heard what sounded like cowboy boots walking on hardwood floor (which I have), so naturally I thought it was my ex letting himself into my house, to try and get back together.  Immediately I knew that was no the case.  I felt this evil menacing presence entering my room.  I then found out I was paralyzed.  I was never so scared in my life.  Out of the peripheral vision I saw a man, a very tall man wearing a black cloak type robe with a hood, with no face.  Looked just like the grim reaper, but he was not holding anything, just staring at me.  A millions things ran through my mind, like these things dont' happen, this is real life, what is happening to me.  I started to pray and pray for God/Jesus to help me, and  he was gone, just as suddenly as he appeard, for that night anyway.

The next day I was scared to death all day long. I had thought I had lost my mind.  I knew this was no Stephen King movie, this was my life and in my bedroom that I had slept comfortably in for 10 years.  I was  on no new medications, or taking any drugs, so what happened to me?
I was frightened, but returned to my bedroom and almost the exact same thing happened but this time, there was someone else with him.   A small person at the bottom of my bed and he was at my right.  I could hear them whispering in a strange language, or just not loud enough for me to hear.  I started to pray over and over again until he was gone.

Night after night something strange would happen.  I have had the blankets pulled off of me, just for me to pull them back up, over an over.  I opened my eyes to find the blanket hovering above me and had to pull it down.  I have had my ankles pulled, as if someone was trying to pull  me out of bed.  I have felt impressions in my bed where someone was getting in bed with me.  I have felt arms wrap around me, and lye with me in a spooning type position.  I was beyond grief.  I was afraid to sleep in my room.  My family thought I was on drugs or had lost my mind.  I had no where to turn.  My children were scared, because I would stay up all night, or sleep in the recliner.  

Once he brought a woman with him, if not for my praying I think I would have heard what they were saying, but I refused to listen, I was too scared to listen.
I didn't know what to do, my choices were terrible.  Either I was crazy, or evil things such as this existed in our world.  They could at anytime pop up in my room as I was their victim. I became exhausted, terrified prayed for God to help me.  It reminded me of the old movie the entity.  

After a few months I ran into a friend I had known for 20 years and we formed a relationship.  I told him what was happening to me and he believed me!  I asked him to sleep over with me, and guess what nothing happened, no visitors, nothing.  His just lying there with me, protected me somehow.  

He would go home, and back they would come.  My sister who I had finally convinced what was happening to me was not from my own doing of any sorts, bought me Dr. Huffords book, Terror in the night, a study on sleep paralysis.  I read the book and it gave some old lore on how to rid yourself of the intruder.  One was to place a large bottle next to your bed and say out loud that you were going to hit it if it returned.  I performed the little ritual and for weeks nothing happened.

My relationship with my friend grew and he spent more nights with me, and guess what, he was hagged.  He had felt something pulling him or should I say yanking himn off the bed.  He then had several more episodes where he couldn't speak, same paralysis as I suffered, for about month with different physical type occurrences.  He did not see anyone or hear anything, just felt them touching him, and things of that nature.

I was ready to sell the house.  At that point I thought it was haunted.
more to come soon, stay tuned, rough draft unedited.

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